Malcolm and Patsy Sharing Some Memories With You

Friday, October 31, 2008

CHP Graduation

Officers Kris Haines & Tyler Eccles
Malcolm, Kris and Patsy
Malcolm and I attended the CHP Graduation today for our special neighbor, Kris Haines. His parents and family couldn't be here so we took their place for the event. There was such an amazing feeling as we enjoyed the atmosphere of such a dedicated law enforcement agency that the CHP represents. There is such courtesy, discipline and high standards exhibited by all the new officers and those who train them. Needless to say, we enjoyed the morning very much.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Jack and Mary

Malcolm and I spent part of the day with some great friends , Jack and Mary in Chico. Mary went to school with Malcolm in Sonoma and we got reconnected last year and have had some wonderful times together. They have three great dogs(Lily, Owen and Riley) who get excited when we visit. Malcolm plays with them and gets them stirred up just like our grandkids and they love it. Mary cooked a terrific meal of splt pea soup, deviled eggs, salad and baked apples with caramel ice cream - yummy. Mary is a home economics major and Jack is a specialist in birds and lectures and travels. We really enjoy their company so much and have a lot in common.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bishop's Storehouse Meeting

I serve on a committee for the Bishop's Storehouse in Chico. We meet every several months with the missionaries who serve there and our Stake President, President Papa. They are just a great and kind group to work with. Last night I took a picture of us all sitting around the table.

Monday, October 27, 2008

TV Watchers

We had Mason, Carson and Paige today while Amanda had an infusion. While I was cooking, Grandpa and the children were watching cartoons and are transfixed by Tom and Jerry!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I heard this interesting list of ways to stay sane and happy today on a radio program and thought they were worth sharing:
Five steps to happiness
Connect: Developing relationships with family, friends, colleagues and neighbors will enrich your life and bring you support
Be active: Sports, hobbies such as gardening or dancing, or just a daily stroll will make you feel good and maintain mobility and fitness
Be curious: Noting the beauty of everyday moments as well as the unusual and reflecting on them helps you to appreciate what matters to you
Learn: Fixing a bike, learning an instrument, cooking – the challenge and satisfaction brings fun and confidence
Give: Helping friends and strangers links your happiness to a wider community and is very rewarding

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Paige, Carson & Mason

Carson & Paige wanted their picture taken on our Bench with the pumpkins
We had Amanda and Tyler's little ones this morning while I was making some cinnamon rolls and let Mason lick the beater - he was amazed and excited to have it all to himself.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Day with Val

I went to Redding for a couple of days to spend some time with our daughter, Valerie. We had a belated birthday with lunch out and some shopping, then cooking some barbecued steaks at home with Don, Nicole and Jon after. We got some Halloween decorations, some fun things for the kids, cookies to decorate and helped the kids decorated cookies, bake pumpkins muffins and watch a cute movie. Nicole fixed her room up so cute and was excited to share her bedroom with me...very sweet. We had such a good time!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Cute Grandkids

Mason found a doll and hat and cheesed it up!
Carson went to sleep in a chair looking angelic
We were over watching Amanda & Tyler's little ones this morning while Amanda was at the hospital with Tyler who was having his gall bladder removed. We got a couple of cute pictures... Just got a call from Amanda and Tyler seems to be doing ok. The surgery is over and he is in the recovery mode. We are all grateful!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Paige's nails and glasses

Today, I had Paige for a few hours while Amanda was at the hospital with Tyler. I painted her nails - She then wanted to put on 3D glasses, sit on our bench out front and have her picture taken. When Grampa brought the boys home from school, they all had apple snack and did their homework before going home for dinner.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Finished Canning Project

We finished canning our apples this morning with six more qts. of applesauce, 2 qts. of apple juice, 8 jars of apple-raspberry jam and an apple pie. We finally have all of our canning jars filled so we are ready for winter. What a good feeling!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Malcolm and I peeled and cooked a bushel of apples today and made 27 pts of golden delicious applesauce. It took us most of the day, but the accomplishment is worth it.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Our 45th Wedding Anniversary

Malcolm and I began our 45th anniversary with a visit to the Temple in Sacramento in the early morning. It was a nice way to begin the day and we enjoyed ourselves. Afterwards we took some pictures outside. It is quite a thought to have spent so many years together and look forward to many more. we hope! We appreciate and love all our 8 children who have joined us in this monumental journey in life together.

Malcolm took this nice picture of the Sacramento Temple
This is us at 45 wonderful years together!

Apple Hill

To complete celebrating our anniversary, Malcolm and I had a wonderful couple of days visiting Apple Hill which is near Placerville. We stayed in a great Motel in Pollock Pines and had a delicious dinner in a restaurant close by. We took in all the Apple farms that looked interesting, bought a couple of items and lots of apples to make applesauce. The weather was perfect and the company was perfect too.

We shared a cider shake together

We took in the Fudge Factory and bought our favorite candy - it was yummy~~

This was our very nice motel with a great view too

At apple Hill with his suspenders - Malcolm looks the part of grandpa.

We bought an apple turnover and some delicious fresh apple juice

New Bench

We have a very nice neighbor who built us a new bench for our front front and finished nicely and even made it short enough for my feet to reach the ground. We feel blessed to live in with such thoughtful neighbors.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mt. Lassen Trip

While I was in Utah, Malcolm took a day trip to Mt Lassen and climbed the big mountain. He said it was VERY windy, but felt great to have achieved his goal of climbing it again. He got some good pictures!

In the Valley

At the Windy top of Lassen

A nice view of Mt. Lassen