Malcolm and Patsy Sharing Some Memories With You

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Most days we pick up Carson at school around lunch time. Malcolm picked up Carson this day and he finished off a hamburger, large order of fries and a root beer like a pro He is such a good eater and so much fun to drive home from school. I get my turn on Wednesdays after a class that I teach.

Kylie's Baptism

Michael, Valerie, Dan and Amanda were able to come
Kylie with Dan and Kristina
Those of us to can are going to gather in Vacaville for Kylie's baptism on Easter. We are excited to be able to attend and some of our children too. What a grand occasion for us all, especially Kylie! She looks so very sweet. I was asked to speak on the Holy Ghost so I prepared some short remarks and made a booklet for Kylie with a poem I wrote and some other interesting information for her to read. It was a great experience. We then met at the Phillippi's for dessert and a short visit before we traveled home.

Spring planting


Spring is here again so we are beginning our planting and gardening. We found this nice Ace tomato plant at the nursery and began our season. also our peach and apple trees are in bloom and our raspberry plants are beginning to sprout. I love Spring! This year we are going to have a watering system put in for our plants so they will have continual watering and have a better opportunity to grow even better!