Malcolm and Patsy Sharing Some Memories With You

Monday, August 25, 2008

More Reunion - Group

This is the whole Weston gang attending the family reunion. You can click on the picture to see the faces clearly.

Back Row: Mike, Don, Brian Billie Andrew Tyler & Mason, Malcolm Kristina, Trent & JT, Russ, Miles, Kristina, Erik
Middle: Annette, Cecilia, Bekcy, Nicile, Val, Deb, Sarah, Amanda, Lis, Patsy, Dan, Amy, Sam, Mauri, Justin
Front: Natalie, Jon, Rachel, Matt, Paige, Cavin, Kael, Adon, Carson, Kylie, Ben, Bradley, Rylie, Ben, Maddie


The Eccles said...

That is a great picture!

sara e.a.* said...

patsy - you are amazing! i love & appreciate all of your comments so much! i miss having you around. :)

and yes, we are so happy!!! our life is full of joy.

thank you for everything!