Malcolm and Patsy Sharing Some Memories With You

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A nostalgic visit at Gram Eastland's

Gram Eastland with Ben
Today, Gram Eastland and I went through some family heirlooms and books and just really had a great time talking about family and memories. I got some interesting views into her childhood and early adult life. When we were going through things, she gave me this necklace that had belonged to my Grandmother (her Mom). It is very delicate and beautiful. It will be a treasure to me.

The books below belonged to Grandpa Hansen (my Mom's Dad) He carried them with him in the service during WWI in France. There is a Book of Mormon, New Testament and Hymn Book and a very early 1915 edition of a book by James Talmage who he was named after. Sure has been an enjoyable day.

We also moved all of Gram's canned food upstairs in a spare closet with a nice shelf so she has easy access to the things she needs. Full and satisfying day

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