Malcolm and Patsy Sharing Some Memories With You

Friday, November 14, 2008

Patsy's Big Break! (It's her turn to be babied!)

Yesterday, November 13 while Patsy was gassing up the car, she slipped and broke her leg. (OUCH). We didn't know it was broken at the time so it was iced and wrapped. This morning the leg was in pain...we went to ER, X-Rays were taken, and the determination of a Distal Fracture of the right Fibula. After a painful placing of her foot in the proper alignment, a split soft cast was applied and here we are. Follow up will occur at our health plan in Martinez.

We have moved Patsy's office to a more suitable place, and, as you can see, she hasn't missed a beat!

1 comment:

Dan said...

Sorry to hear about that, hope you have a quick recovery. Let Dad do all the cooking and cleaning :)