Malcolm and Patsy Sharing Some Memories With You

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Live Oak City Council - Dad was appointed

We had a very exciting evening! Dad flew home Monday for an interview with the Live Oak City Council as he was one of the eight applicants for the open city council seat. Tonight we attended the council meeting and he was presented by one of the council and they all voted for him to fill the seat. Tyler attended with us and we were just delighted for Malcolm's appointment. He has the time, the experience, insight and the expertise to be a great asset to the council. Anyway - I just wanted to share the success of my sweetheart!
Swearing in to the City Council Seat
Standing behind his new seat

Sitting in council with other member of the city Council in Live Oak


Amy said...

yea dad!! congrats, that's exciting.

dj said...

Albert and Donna Jean send congratulations! Now all those experiences will be useful.