Malcolm and Patsy Sharing Some Memories With You

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy 91st Birthday, Mom!!

We have been blessed with a wonderful Mother! All of us have learned so much from Mom through the years. She is such a compassionate and caring person and left us the legacy that "if you cannot say something nice, don't say anything at all". We spent our childhood on picnics, being read to by Mom, sledding, skating and just having fun with her. She wanted us to have primary so she asked to teach so we could have the program. She volunteered in 4-H so we could learn to sew, craft, cook and earn awards in the county fair. We have had a rich heritage and cherished memories. Thank you, Mom - you are the greatest!
This is how I remember Mom the most- with a chuckle
A Serene Mom
Gram, Naomi at 2
Mom with Patsy in 1941

Mom at 18
Mom and Dad about 1977
Mom's 85's birthday with whole Family

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