Malcolm and Patsy Sharing Some Memories With You

Saturday, May 28, 2011

New Knee

The new knee with stitches out
The new knee with staples in
May 3rd I received a new knee at John Muir Hospital in Walnut Creek. I had a rocky start, but thing have been better since all the meds were corrected and I got home with Malcolm's excellent care. He had to give me shots for blood thinner every day for 20 days and lots of physical therapy to get the range of motion I am glad it is now done and life can move forward. Many wonderful friends and our daughter provided some excellent food for a few days to help us and we are so very grateful. Thank you everyone to came to visit and for the flowers, books and upbeat visitsl

1 comment:

robina said...

Amazon Woman! You are amazing and I hope you are healing quickly. Love You, Carolyn